Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sun Dried Tomato Chickpea Salad

Perfect accompaniment to Gardein's Fish Filets. 
Little piece of good news to start off the day: I was named by Aph Ko, contributing writer of Striving With Systems, as one of the 100 Black Vegans to Check Out. I appreciate the honor-- such an unexpected kudos. Loved being surrounded by the familiar and those new to me worth adding to notice. Thanks to this amazing compiled list, I discovered that a vegan restaurant has been in Harlem all this time. Folks know how much I have been cherishing my visits to Harlem. Now I am planning to eat at Seasoned Vegan soon-- a 13 minute walk from Studio Museum! Yes!!!
Meanwhile, a few days ago at Whole Foods, I found a small tub of sun dried tomatoes for $1.37- lowest priced fancy ingredient next to a 99 cent can of chickpeas. I sampled the chewy Fruit Roll-up styled texture, loving sweet and savory blending together. Since I already planned to be delicious Gardein from the freezer, I wanted to prepare a light, simple entree. Sun Dried Tomato Chickpea Salad was born under hunger and creative freewill. The medley proved to be  chrmn serenade of curry flavors and degrees of chewiness. Definitely adding either crunchy pumpkin seeds or hearty walnuts next time. Plenty of summer tasting sun dried tomatoes to go round.

Chickpea Salad Ingredients and Preparation

1 15 oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup red onions, sliced and diced
1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon Bragg's Liquid Aminos
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
pinch of lemon juice

Toss eight ingredients together.
Can either be served at room temperature or slightly chilled.

Sorry about the infuriating orange tint, but it turned out refreshing and delicious.
Perfect yum on a hot day. I suggest maybe even grilling your Gardein  (if Gardein mood strikes), and have this chickpea salad as a solid plate date!

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