Day 14 already? |
My little brother turned 29 yesterday.
Sometimes I cannot believe we're getting up the ladder. Wasn't it only an hour ago that we played with our Barbie dolls and Transformers, making up stories long after Saturday morning cartoons went off the air? Time certainly flies. Okay, seriously, an hour ago, I truly was playing with a Barbie though...
So yes, we're the same age. Technical "twins" until October rears her beautiful autumn head. And then, the cycle repeats. My older brother won't turn 31 until November 4th.
I have spotted bananas perfuming the kitchen much to the horror of the roomies. They don't know (now they do) that those pesky brown bruises on a banana are the best signs that they're full of good, nutritious vitamins and ready to be eaten. Now I've been living in Philadelphia for about four weeks now and can honestly state that I miss the blender terribly. I've frolicked the thrift shops for a cheap one, but to no avail. So I hand mashed and stirred in the peanut butter by hand. No biggie. If you're one of those banana slices with peanut butter addicts, this is the pudding for you! It's so easy to make and tastes sooooooooooooooo ah-mazing! By hand, it's thick and chunky, but with a blender it's smooth and creamy textured. Oh my goodness, now I'm imagining just how incredible it would be to switch from creamy peanut butter to crunchy. The bananas would just die!
Raw Peanut Butter And Banana Pudding Ingredients and Preparation
Bananas, peanut butter, bowl, & spoon. That's it. |
2 ripened bananas
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter (room temperature so that it can be poured easily)
Open bananas & slice them up. |
Mash to oblivion. |
Pour peanut butter. |
Mix & eat. That's it! |
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